FBI Tampa Citizens Academy
Alumni Association

NCSC Safegauarding Our Future

FBI ODNI’s National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) has recently launched a new “Safeguarding Our Future” campaign in which it will be issuing a series of one-page, unclassified bulletins -- each on a specific foreign intelligence threat -- to help raise awareness among private industry, academia, and state & local governments. Each is designed to provide a brief overview of a specific threat, as well as the impacts and mitigation steps.

NCSC’s first “Safeguarding Our Future” bulletin, issued May 27, 2020, highlights the risks for state and local health organizations involved in procuring COVID tests from foreign suppliers. Many foreign suppliers of these tests are mandated to share information (including genetic data) they collect during COVID tests with their governments. The result is that genetic data could be compromised. Additional information on this particular bulletin can be found on NCSC’s Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/NCSCgov/status/1266001692795027457 or LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/national-counterintelligence-and-security-center_would-you-want-a-foreign-government-to-have-activity-6671769676093161472-Ytj1
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